Oh, if you know anything about me by now, you know I can't resist photographing dogs eating ice cream. It's the best. We just did this shoot again, photographing more than 40 dogs getting their brain freeze on. This time, Nicky Campa the Los Angeles manager for DogVacay (and a client of mine -- I photographed her dogs Tino and Izzy last year) invited me to do this shoot at the Yappy Hour she was sponsoring at General Assembly in Santa Monica.
It was pretty fabulous. Chaotiic, but fabulous. You know, the genius thing about the ice cream social is you don't really have to get the dogs' attention. The beauty is in watching them attack that cone... sometimes petitely, sometimes in a ferocious chomp. I just love it. What I bring to the party, other than having been inspired by the Cooper and Daisy eating ice cream viral video, is I have a fast camera and fast lights that really capture the tongue licking the ice cream in far less than a second in time.
You've got to see some of these faces! They are hilarious. If you have the appetite to see the complete collection, see them here.
And if you need a pet sitter or day camp for your dog, check out DogVacay!
I would be remiss if I didn't do my pitch... I'm Diana Lundin... I was voted L.A.'s best pet photographer by L.A.'s Hot List... and I want to be YOUR pet photographer. Give me a call at 818.481.5214.